Tuesday, June 23, 2009

All Day Long They Work So Hard

Outfit details:
Blouse and skirt: Ann Klein suit, jacket remixed
Mary-jane pumps: Born
Bracelet: Market in Chile, originally a fork!


Monday was a big day at work. We have two brand-new employees starting this week, and I am the direct supervisor to both of them, so I desperately wanted to make a good first impression. I don't know if this comes across on my blog, but I'm not naturally very managerial. I mean, I'm great at managing myself, but Idon't have a lot of practice being an authority figure. So I'm new as a "boss", and wanted to come across as professional but approachable. EXACTLY like this:

Now, since I don't have a captain's hat lying around, I figured that the best way to channel my inner-Michael Scott was with a suit. I didn't wear the matching jacket, since god is currently threatening to set the entire city of Chicago spontaneously ablaze, but I did wear the matching skirt and blouse. I adore the cut, color, and material of the blouse, and I'm excited to pair it with some other, more casual but still work-appropriate, pieces.

I'm still keeping accessories to an absolute minimum, since it takes me about ten years to unclasp a necklace, and Joe is doing enough already. But I felt like a necklace would have worked well with this outfit. What do you guys think? Are accessories really important to certain looks? Should I have busted out my black necklace for this one?

Title song: Sam Cooke, "Chain Gang"

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