Monday, June 15, 2009

Down the Shore Everything's Alright

Outfit details:
Red t-shirt: Old Navy
Brown jersey skirt: gift, originally Copper Key, recently remixed as a dress
Beaded necklace: gift from market in Brazil
Brown pumps: Steve Madden, $20 @ Nordstrom Rack
Beaded leather cuffs: gift from Joe's mom, remixed


This is the shirt I broke my arm in!! I was amazed they didn't have to cut it off me in the hospital before surgery, so I thought it deserved a more glamorous introduction to the blog. I recently wore this uber-comfy brown jersey skirt as a strapless summer dress, but I wanted to try something different with it yesterday. By hiking it up to just below my bust line and using the built-in belt-like fabric to create a sash, I created another new shape that I'm really happy with. And I like how it's paired with the red shirt, creating an almost-dress feel with an interesting colorblock effect.

The sun finally came out in Chicago yesterday. It has absolutely not been behaving like June lately, so it was nice to finally get some sunshine and warmth. Gave me the prime opportunity to take my pictures outside. My feet kept sinking into the still-damp ground, but it was worth it just to get a little sun and some more interesting photo locales. Of course, it's cloudy now, but what can ya do...

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