Thursday, June 18, 2009

She Spreads Her Wings and She's Free

Outfit details:
Silver/cream paisley shirt: Target
Grey skinnies: Old Navy, remixed
Red flats: Chinese Laundry, thrifted
Watch: Ann Klein, remixed
Red rose earrings: Etsy

Breakfast out, day-trip to Evanston, dinner and bar trivia night with friends

I've been excited to wear today's outfit for some time, ever since I got this shirt. I love the way the neutral gray and cream are offset by the pops of red in my shoes, watch, and earrings. I like the shapes, the fabrics, and the colors. It's like the perfect storm. The trifecta of fashion. Sorry for tooting my own horn, but I really like this ensemble.

We've been trying lately to explore more of the city and surrounding suburbs. Now that it's summer we're a lot more willing to spend entire days out-of-doors. Chicago winters don't really allow for that, especially if you're car-less. So yesterday we decided to take the train to Evanston and explore. A couple of independent bookshops, vintage clothing stores, and coffeeshops later, we decided that Evanston rocks! Plus, one of the jobs that I recently interviewed for would be based out of Evanston, so that would be sweet. The first bookstore we went to was crazy awesome. It was in an alley downtown and just literally. went. on. forever. A fantastic old man ran it and had clearly stocked it with a lifetime's worth of stuff. Check it!

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