Monday, June 29, 2009

They Print My Message in the Saturday Sun

Outfit details:
Dress: Gift from my mom in my freshman year of college
Sandals: Clarks

Morning walk, breakfast, home to apply for jobs, coffeeshop

I was going for serious simplicity yesterday. One item of clothing was plenty. I almost added a belt to the dress, but belts are seriously problematic with a cast, so I nixed all accessories, buckled my beloved Clarks, and was set for the day.

I had a surprisingly (and refreshingly!) productive day. My creative juices were flowing, I was motivated to get things done that I've been putting off for ages, and I even had time to take off to my favorite coffeeshop in the afternoon. I'm in the midst of a couple of informal book clubs with family and friends, and I always have at least one book going on my own, so I always have plenty to read. I felt gloriously satisfied sitting in my comfy chair at the coffeeshop reading Three Cups of Tea and Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands. Easy like Sunday morning...

I also found a bug! How cool is that thing (and patriotic)!

Title song: Michael Jackson, "Black or White" (check out Macauley's video cameo!)

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