Saturday, June 13, 2009

No Pill's Gonna Cure My Ill

Outfit details:
Brown tank: ancient staple
Red/orange striped shirt: ON clearance
Skinnies: Argentina, recently remixed
Rainboots (not pictured): ON, remixed

Doctor's office/hospital, home

So I'm in a real cast now. For 6 more weeks. The surgeon said it's healing well, but the pins have to stay in for 6 weeks with the cast. I'm trying desperately to put a good face on the whole thing, but I get frustrated a lot. I feel like I have to re-learn how to do everything. And wearing a cast in summer in Chicago will really throw a wrench into my beach plans. Blerg.

On the upside, Joe has been an absolute saint. He's been doing all the cooking, cleaning, fastening my bra for me (harder than it would seem with only a left hand), buckling shoes, carrying groceries...pretty much everything, without a single complaint.

This outfit was completely based around comfort. It's chilly and raining and my coats don't fit over the cast, so I knew I'd need a 3/4-length sleeve shirt to walk to the hospital for my appointment. This is my little couch nest, by the way. Perfect for binge-TV-watching. Thank god for Flight of the Conchords and Arrested Development.

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