Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Unplanned Sabaticals!

Hi Gals,
It feels like its been an age since we have been round in blogland to update you all and add new postings. A lot has been happening since our feature and its been quite a whirlwind over the last few weeks. I think the run up to the feature and also the intense workload of custom orders we had remaining on our neverending lists took its toll on both of us and we were well and truelly frazzled for the last wee while. I don't think I have ever answered so many emails and queries in my life and I have had an aversion to technology for the last couple of weeks, hence the tumbleweed running through our blog of late.

But alas, recuperation is complete, we have both enjoyed a couple of days out of town, been getting some much needed vitamin D of the sunny variety and have managed to be reintroduced to the bottom of our laundry baskets for the first time in months ( scratch that, lets say years !
We also went to a super meeting today with a local community resource group who are keen to work with our wee growing business and we feel invigorated bout new plans and upcoming projects.

I guess we took a wee bit of time to "sharpen the tools" as Gers hubbie often puts it! A rest sometimes pays off dividends in reviving the soul!

That being said I need to update you guys on the 3 winners of our "Thanking You" competition that we mentioned a couple of weeks ago.

Congrats to

~~~ Pampering Beki ~~~ ( from blog comments )
~~~ Carri ~~~~ ( from blog comments )
~~~ Shay Crammer ~~~ ( from etsy convos )
3 bonzie blooms are on their merry way to you guys this week. :)

In Style...
Bonzie & Ger

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