Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bright, Bright Sunshiny Day

Lace shirt: thrifted * Sweater: thrifted * Jacket: Michael Kors * Jeans: Gap * Boots: Steve Madden * Necklace: Etsy * Earrings: boutique

Yeah, so I totally made Joe return to the land of perpetually awesome light this weekend. There is something about that park that just fills the world with perfectly filtered sunshine, especially at the end of the day, and I can't get enough. We spent a good chunk of the afternoon walking through the park trails, climbing trees, and just enjoying the first warm sunshiny days of spring.


This outfit was put together entirely randomly. I knew I'd be running errands, going around town, and wandering through the park, so I ended up just grabbing layers that would work for the warm spring day. The funny thing about spending the weekends away from home is that I often end up with a weird assortment of clothing that doesn't necessarily go together. I end up packing for my weekends on Thursday night before leaving on Friday, and it typically means a wildly uneven number of tops and bottoms, and regularly impractical shoes. I always do a bit better when I bring my dirty laundry to wash at Joe's, since then at least I have variety.


Joe and I spent a bunch of time yesterday afternoon turning over our garden plot. We landed a plot in the local community garden, and when we found which plot was ours it was a hot damn mess. The previous plot owners had left things in a bit of a state, so we spent a few hours clearing brush and raking up our plot. It was a lot of work, and I'll have dirt under my nails for a few days for sure, but it was super fun, rewarding, and now the plot looks awesome and ready for the spring crops.


It's been wonderfully rejuvenating having a few days off this week. It's been an incredibly busy winter this year, and I think I was getting to that point where I just desperately needed a few days, unstructured, with Joe, to unwind and just be away. It's been lovely, I gotta tell ya.


Title song: Bob Marley, "I Can See Clearly Now"

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