Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The High Yellow Moon

Mar. 16
Dress: ModCloth * Sweater: thrifted * Scarf: Forever 21 * Belt: Akira * Key necklace: Etsy * Boots: Steve Madden

These pictures are all just a bit out of focus, since my lens was having technical issues during our photoshoot. I just adored the setting so much, though, so I opted against taking pictures again after we figured out the lens issue. I think the broken slabs of concrete and sad little wintry trees add a very surreal and industrial feeling to these pictures. I take my pictures much more often in fantastical wooded areas or right along the water, so finding this strange part of the lakeshore where the path had cracked and collapsed was so unique and new. One of the things I love about photography is the difference that a setting or background can make. Different surroundings lend such distinct airs to the photos. These feel particular isolated, and broken-down, which I find intriguing and starkly beautiful.

Mar. 16

I was good during my 30 for 30 about not buying things, though I did cave and buy a few mega-cheap items during ModCloth's Cabin Fever sale a couple of weeks ago. This maxi dress was one of the items in the cart, and I just couldn't part with it, especially given its super low price-tag. I just adore it, and its fabric is so soft and swirly; I'm really excited to wear it, sans scarf and sweater, once the weather really turns around. I did wait until the challenge was over to spring for these boots, though. I'd been wanting a pair of flat lace-up ankle boots since I saw Kyla rock her pair in the fall, but I've been holding off to make sure they are a style I'd really get a lot of wear out of. Turns out, for the past few months I've been imagining them paired with almost every outfit I wear, so I gave myself the green light and sprung for these massively marked-down Steve Maddens at the Akira in Chicago last weekend. So far? I love 'em.

Mar. 16
Mar. 16

Joe and I are headed uptown this evening, and I'm so excited about it! I'm getting my hairs trimmed (don't worry, I'm not taking off much length, but something needs to be done about the severe mullet I've developed) and then we're meeting an old friend for birthday drinks and dinner at Revolution Brewery (I've raved about Revolution occasionally already, but it is hands-down my favorite eating/drinking haunt in the city). I'm so looking forward to seeing her, and re-hashing our old craziness together. I feel like nights like that are perfect for Wednesdays. Like a little mid-week pick-me-up.

Mar. 16 

Title song: Bob Marley, "Concrete Jungle"

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