Thursday, March 10, 2011

Taking Me Back Down the Road

Sweater: thrifted (@ The Garment District in Boston) * Skirt: thrifted * Shoes: thrifted, GC * Necklace: ModCloth * Tights: Target * Belt: thrifted

First, thank you all so much for your wonderful, insightful, caring comments on yesterday's post. I knew I wasn't alone in my mini quarter-life crisis, of course, but it was reassuring and downright encouraging to hear that it is something that has happened to each of you as well. I've often thought that it's odd how much emphasis is placed on adolescence as the most difficult phase of growing up. It was difficult, to be sure, and awkward and terrifying and sometimes quite painful, but I think that your 20s can be just as confusing a time, especially because you're supposed to have it all "figured out" by then. Anyway, thank you so much for the kind words. They were just what I needed to hear. :)

Hop Czar

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Though I won't be going to Texas for the Style Council Conference (sadface - last night I saw off Emily, Lisa and Merl, and it was both awesome - I'd not met the lovely Merl before, and the 30 seconds I got were as delightful as I'd imagined - and sad, since I wasn't able to join in on their fashionable road trip festivities to Austin), Joe will be in town, for a whole week, and I'm so looking forward to incorporating him into my routine for a few days. One of the hardest parts about living apart is not being with each other for the daily stuff, so I'm looking forward to having coffee together in the morning, cooking dinner in the evening, and just generally being around one another.


I'm really nearing the end of my 30 for 30 posts!! As I mentioned before, I actually finished doing the challenge last Friday, but ended up behind in posting. This is actually pretty normal. My posting schedule has become pretty solid, and I will almost always post daily on Monday-Friday (with some exceptions, of course). I tend to take the weekends off, though. I never used to, and the weekends were actually the time I used to spend most on the blog, but in the past 6 months or so I've transitioned away from that, and Saturday and Sunday have become more "unplugged". So though I did wear 30 outfits, for 30 days, with only 30 pieces of clothing, the posting schedule remained at five posts/week. Which is how I ended up seven days behind. It's a nice schedule to keep, most of the time, as it means that I can be flexible with outfit pictures on certain days, and I give myself some time to edit and prep pictures for each post. But it's a more pronounced delay with a challenge like this. Do you all keep a posting schedule? Do challenges like the 30 for 30, or Everybody, Everywear affect that? How do you navigate between those schedules/"deadlines"?


Title song: Robert Plant, "29 Palms"

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