Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kiss Another Day Goodbye

Shirt: H&M * Skirt: thrifted * Scarf: thrifted * Belt: Forever 21 * Boots: thrifted * Tights: Hue * Sunset: Motha Nature!

Holy shit, you guys! Do you see that sunset!??!? I mean, seriously, who even cares if I'm in the pictures at all. That shit is spectacular. Though I'm glad that I am in the pictures, because then we can talk about this rad ensemble. I loved the combination of colors and patterns (what you can't see from the dark pictures is that the shirt is actually micro-stripes and the scarf is a paisley pattern), and I could not have been any more comfortable than I was in this outfit. This knit skirt is just about the most comfortable, flattering thing I own, and it doesn't hurt that it matches with everything and was insanely cheap.


I gotta admit, I'm ridiculously proud of the pieces I picked for my 30 for 30 capsule wardrobe. I don't regret any of them, and they've all been so easy to combine, and remix, and play with. I've really had a blast doing the challenge. I feel like I could wear the same pieces for much longer than 30 days (actually, over the weekend, when I hit day 31, I instinctively reached for a new combination from my 30 pieces before realizing that I didn't have to do that anymore). I'm behind on posting, but I just loved the capsule wardrobe side of the challenge. I'll do a bit more of a recap on Friday when I post my last outfit, but I just wanted to gush for a moment about how happy I've been with this challenge and my outfits.


I'm off to battle the rest of my Tuesday. Joe is getting to town on Thursday to spend the week in Chicago, and while I can't wait to see him, I know I need to get a lot done before he gets here and starts distracting me. I am determined to be incredibly productive today, so I need to get focused and motivated, and fast. I foresee a cup of tea and lots of snacks in my future today (do any of you need to eat while you're being productive? For me, I get so much more done, and can focus so much better, if I'm sipping on tea or munching on almonds).


Title song: Neil Young, "California Sunset"

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