Friday, March 4, 2011

You're Out on the Stone and Grass

Sweater: H&M * Jeans: Gap * Boots: Target * Socks: SmartWool * Earrings: museum gift shop

Do you ever have those mornings where everything is just a little bit off, like your center of balance shifted overnight? I'm having one of those today. I practically knocked my camera off of my nightstand when I was reaching for my alarm this morning (pun alert: it was very alarming). My bed-hair, which is always a sight to be seen at this length, has now officially defied all laws of physics, and there is literally no human way to tame it today. And then, the coffee. I usually sit in our armchair with my coffee on the side table next to me, sipping and typing and watching the sunrise. This morning, I inexplicably reached out my arm, way past where the cup of coffee was sitting, and knocked it partway over. It set to wobbling like crazy, and my delicious hot coffee started sloshing up over the rim (it's worth noting at this point that I was far more concerned with losing my cup of coffee than with damaging anything). In some amazing, ungodly act of deftness and grace, I saved the coffee before much more than a few drops went over. Breathing a sigh of relief, I lifted the cup to my lips and literally spilled almost the entire thing down my shirt. Can caffeine be absorbed through the skin?


Anyway, thank god it's Friday, 'cause I'm not sure I could take more of the madness this week. I'm heading to visit an old friend today, for a short jaunt out of the city, and I'm super excited for beer, donuts, and fun (my friend goes by the name Homer; maybe you've heard of him?). I just have to get through a half day of work without breaking anything or supremely effing anything up, and then I'm outta here!


Also, today is officially my last day of the 30/30 challenge! I can't believe it's already over. These 30 days have literally flown by, and I was legitimately upset this morning because I haven't worn all of the outfits that I'd planned on wearing. There are so many more possibilities! But I'm also looking forward to having full use of the rest of my closet, and maybe doing some renegade thrifting this weekend now that the shopping ban is lifted (though I did cave and buy a thing or two at ModCloth's Cabin Fever Sale last week). I'm a full five days behind with posting, though, and since I'll be gone this weekend I don't see getting caught up until next week. I'll do my final 30/30 outfit, and a roundup of all 30 looks, one week from today.


Title song: Vampire Weekend, "Campus"

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