Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Week(end) Clothesline: Bloggers. They're Just Like Us.

Maxi dress: Old Navy * Shirt: Thrifted * Boots: Target * Coat (in last pictures): vintage * Necklaces: borrowed from Emily * Gold cuff: grandmother's * Earrings: Maurices * Rose ring: Forever 21 * Cameo ring: grandmother's * Lipstick: Revlon, Kiss Me Coral

Last Thursday, Amy Creyer, of Chicago Streetstyle Scene, hosted a Cynthia Rowley trunk show in Wicker Park, and invited a slew of bloggers. And indeed, a slew of bloggers attended. Emily and I headed uptown and met Lisa, Tabitha, Gina, and Sabrina at the trunk show, and followed up the festivities with a tasty birthday dinner for Tabitha at feast. 'Twas rad.

I have a million gazillion pictures of the evening, and my little fingers are still tired from all the typing I did yesterday, so I'm keeping this one light. I opted for another maxi dress outfit, for comfort and warmth (what you can't tell from these pictures is that I'm wearing long underwear and leggings under the skirt! Winter: 0, Clare: 1 MILLION), and blinged the everliving crap out of it with as much gold as I could find. A swoop of coral lipstick and I called it good.

Cynthia Rowley, c/o Chicago Streetstyle Scene
Das bloggers: Me, Tabitha, Lisa, Amy, Gina, Sabrina, and Emily (photo courtesy of Amy)

@ Cynthia Rowley
Cynthia Rowley - Lisa
Cynthia Rowley - Tabitha and Emily
@ Cynthia Rowley
Champagne and chocolate!! Yes, this was the source of my champagnover from last week. From top: Me, sassin'; Lisa, rocking the fur and looking supah hawt; Emily and Tabitha, who totally came dressed as twinsies!; Me, sassin' again, only with chocolate! (top and bottom photos courtesy of Emily)

Me and Tabitha
Carbs, champagne, and general silliness ensued at feast, where almost all of us ended up ordering macaroni and cheese. We's a classy bunch, y'all. Bloggers. They're just like us. (bottom photo courtesy of Emily)

Lisa snapped these awesome pictures of me outside of feast as we headed home for the night. It was windy and cold, but we were determined to be the dedicated bloggers that we are and get a few snaps.

Then, Emily and I stopped in an alleyway on the way back to our apartment and got a few more shots of our outfits.

23/30 - Emily
And then we jumped around. It took literally a million takes to get these jumping pictures. I think both of our knees are permanently damaged from the antics.

It was such an awesome time, and I already miss hanging out with these rad ladies. We've hung out (in real life!) a few times now, and it's been so rewarding and wonderful to spend more and more time with them and get to know them better. They are all such incredible, funny, gorgeous, smart young women, and I couldn't ask for a better crew to hang with. Can't wait for the next time, ladies! I fully endorse the idea of a slumber party, complete with 80's chick flicks, side ponytails, and midnight snacks. 

I had a kaleidoscope in my purse. For realsies. (photo courtesy of Emily)

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