Monday, March 28, 2011

'Cause I Speak Sincerely

Sweater: H&M, via Meg * Skirt: Tulle * Tights: We Love Colors (charcoal) * Boots: Frye * Necklace: Etsy * Ring: gift

Monday. I mean, come on. Bummer. Monday and I have a dentist's appointment (yes, again. I had some cavities, as expected). Double bummer. But! I got to spend Sunday with a best friend, from way back in our college days. She was in town just for the afternoon, and we spent it drinking beer, catching up, and remembering why girlfriends are awesome. We've only seen each other twice in the past four years, but it was as though no time had passed at all. It was hilarious, heartwarming, and incredibly cathartic. I didn't know how much I needed that blast from the past until she was there. 


I'm also a little bit obsessed with this outfit (and this sweater, which I wore only a week ago). It was so comfortable, and I just love how it plays with proportions while still being flattering and fun. Perfect for a Thai food lunch, lots of beers, and belly laughs with old friends.


Title song: Weezer, "My Best Friend

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