Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm Clingin' to a Cloud

Striped shirt: salvaged from Emily's closet * Skirt: ModCloth * Boots: Steve Madden * Necklace: Etsy * Earrings: boutique in Chicago

So, remember all the springtime sunshine I was happily extolling the other day? Yeah, that's over. Seriously, it's been nothing but clouds and rain for the past couple of days. I still insist that it's better than the cold and snow of full-on winter. These pictures were taken on Sunday, and it has pretty much looked like this since then. Hopefully we'll get a little hint of sun in the next couple of days.


Despite the lack of warm sun and blue skies, the day was pretty incredible in its own right. The woods were misty and cool, and I spent a bunch of time just wandering through them before I set up to take pictures. I felt particularly crazy, tromping through the damp, cold woods in my long flowy skirt, but it was still so fun. It was an unplanned little excursion, too, which made it all the more spontaneous and just a bit romantic. Plus, I snapped some pictures of my ethereal little forest walk.


And yes, I'm fully aware that I am wearing the maxi skirt trend into the ground. They are just so indulgently comfortable, and I feel so utterly awesome when I wear them. I always feel one part granny, one part hippie, and one part super-chic when I'm wearing them, which is a combination that I'm totally okay with. I really only got on the maxi train this past winter, so I'm really looking forward to transitioning the look into warmer weather. If I were you all, I'd expect to see a whole lot of these skirts in the next few months.


I'm heading back to Chicago today, which means my mini-vacation is over, for now. I have to go away from the misty woods of my days off. After a couple of days at work, though, I'll get another weekend, so I think I'm cool with the situation. And maybe by then the sun will be out again. :)


Title song: Ella Fitzgerald, "Misty"

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