Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We'll Go Out and See It Sometime

Sweater: thrifted * Dress: thrifted by Emily * Boots: thrifted * Tights: We Love Colors (charcoal) * Glasses: Warby Parker * Ring: gift

It took me four wearings to actually get usable pictures of this outfit. I wore it a couple of weeks ago, to work and then dinner and drinks at Revolution Brewery. We got home pretty late, and I was too tired to care enough to pose it out, so I figured I'd just wear it again. So I wore it again last Friday, for work, driving, and dinner with Joe and his friends. Again, we didn't get home until late, and again I missed my window of natural light opportunity. On Saturday afternoon, I finally decided to just put it on for pictures, but every picture ended up making me cringe (Saturday was kind of one of those days, and I think despite my awesome leopard-print dress, I was definitely wearing my grumpy pants). Finally, I changed back into it on Saturday evening, and Joe and I took a short, and decidedly freezing, walk to the lake, where we finally got a few pictures I didn't hate. They're a tad fuzzy, and I'm fussing with my hair like there's no tomorrow, but I'm okay with that.


Honestly, I'm not usually that fickle about pictures. If I'm having a good day, and am in a good mood, I'll pretty much be happy with any picture I take, even if it's unflattering, unfocused, and poorly lit. But catch me on a bad day and I become blogzilla. I feel bad that I dragged Joe through the mud with this outfit, since he's always such a trooper with taking pictures, and I'm sure the last thing he wanted to do was go venture through the snow and try to get my camera to focus on this somewhat amorphous skirt. So thank you again, Joe, for putting up with my occasional bouts of crazy. I promise to not demand too many re-takes this weekend. 


On the upside, I love the outfit, which I think is why I was so determined to get good pictures of it. This periwinkle cashmere sweater is one of my favorite things in the world. It fits perfectly, seems to go with everything, and is delightfully cozy. And I knew I wanted an awesome debut for my first piece of leopard print. Emily thrifted this wrap dress a few weeks ago, and passed it along to me. It's a bit much as a dress, but I love how the boldness of the animal print is softened by the sweet cropped sweater. So I was finicky because I really wanted to do the outfit justice. How'd I do? Do any of you do re-takes of your outfits? (p.s. I promise I'm not as high maintenance with my photos as this post makes me sound. It was just a series of sartorially unfortunate events.)


Title song: Bob Dylan, "Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat" (this is an absolute favorite song for me!)

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