Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm Gonna See That You Be Back Home

Shirt: Target * Skirt: thrifted * Cardigan: H&M * Pumps: UO * Necklace: shop in Chile * Belt: thrifted

C'est fin! Done and done. Thirty days really isn't all that long, and I think having some idea of my outfits ahead of time really helped me get through what is usually the roughest month of the year. There was not a single day when I woke up, having no clue what I was going to wear (this tends to put me in a foul mood). I felt organized, and put-together, during a month that I often begin to feel unhinged. So although some bloggers have bemoaned the fact that this challenge took place in the dregs of winter (and I empathize, I truly do), I think it was actually a bit of a blessing in disguise for me, lending structure and creativity to the last part of this seemingly never-ending season.


There's a very real feeling of satisfaction on completing this 30 for 30 challenge, even though, as I've mentioned before, it actually wasn't that difficult for me. I was really happy with each piece that I picked, and only one or two pieces ended up not being as versatile as I would have liked. I actually have at least a handful of other outfit ideas using these pieces, and I'm sure I'll be returning to many of them soon. There's something to be said for picking pieces that you love, because then you end up with a capsule wardrobe of your favorite things, and there's really no way to go wrong! Still, it feels kind of neat having 30 whole outfits, neatly organized and laid out in front of me. Like a visual representation of the past 30 days.

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The final roundup! Each photo links to the original post.

It's cool seeing them all lined up like that! I don't know if I can pick a favorite, since I was actually really happy about almost every outfit. The ones that stand out to me do so because of the day I remember having while I wore it. Numbers 3, 11, 14, 17, and 22 were all some of the raddest days, so they stand out as winners to me. I have to give the MVP to my Target cowboy boots, since they were worn with 11 outfits, though the tan H&M cardigan is a close runner-up (and almost didn't make the cut at all!). I was also kind of surprised at how little I ended up using accessories to change up the outfits. I wore belts a lot, and scarves occasionally, but I really didn't feel like I needed to lean on accessories to get through the month, which I definitely thought I would need to do.

What are some of your favorite outfits and pieces? Did you participate in the 30 for 30? What did you think? Would you do it again? If you didn't participate, what are your thoughts on capsule wardrobe challenges (on the blog-o-sphere or in the non-Internet world)? What is the benefit of dressing from a small set of items? What is the drawback?


Title song: Chuck Berry, "Thirty Days"

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