Friday, March 25, 2011

Someone Smart Said Nothin' At All

Shirt-dress: thrifted * Belt: Akira * Boots: Rockport * Socks: Target * Earrings: boutique in Chicago * Glasses: Burberry

My life lately has been just crazy. I feel like there is so much going on all the time, and no end in sight. I can hardly believe it is almost the end of March, and that Joe and I have been plugging away at this long-distance thing for eight months already. I'm heading back out of town this afternoon, which is funny since I just got back. But there are a few things happening on Saturday that I'd really like to be there for (namely, the seed fair for our garden!), so I'm making the trip anyway. This last trip/vacation was especially nice, since I finally started to feel like Joe's new town was home. I'm not surprised that it has taken eight months of weekend visits to get there, but it was a welcome realization nonetheless.


It sort of means that I have two homes now (though that number increases when I think of my parent's house, or the house where I grew up, or Joe and my first apartment, which will always be home to me as well), which is an entirely disorienting but totally rewarding feeling. Of course, I'm looking forward to the day when I have only one home again, but for now I'm settling into my dual existence. Monday through Friday I'm a hardworking city girl, sharing a lovely apartment with two delightful roommates. On the weekends I'm re-learning how to be a small-town resident, gardening, cooking, and taking long walks in the woods. I'm happy that I've struck a productive balance between these two pieces of my world.


This is my hardworking city girl outfit from the middle of last week when the weather was just incredible. This is my first time sans tights this year, and it felt good. This little shirt-dress was found among the racks and a recent expedition to Unique Thrift with my roomies. It fits me perfectly, which is usually tough with shirt-dresses, and I love the dark color and cuffed sleeves. The length feels a bit weird to me, but Joe loves it, and I'm honestly too lazy to do anything about it. Yay for awesome city living thrift finds!

Oh, and these shoes? I totally cracked the heel when I was wearing them. Which sucks. But I found an awesome, family-owned, cheap cobbler in Joe's town, so they're being repaired right now! Yay for small town living family businesses! (Whew! I am confused!)


Title song: Modest Mouse, "A Different City"

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