Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Colder, Warmer, Days are Longer

Outfit details:
Yellow blouse: Anne Klein (part of suit), remixed
Blue sweater-vest: Old Navy, remixed
Black pencil skirt: Old Navy, remixed
Shoes: Target, remixed
Button necklace: Funky Junk Jewelry, courtesy of Things a Boutique Owner Sees


I'm going to keep this post pretty short because I'm pretty sleepy and in the middle of a very nerdy evening with Joe: Battlestar Galactica and Risk. I know, I know. You don't have to say it. Today's outfit was a slightly more colorful version of an outfit I wore during my second interview for this job. I love the navy/black/yellow color combination, and I especially love how it matches with my new button necklace that I won in a giveaway from the lovely and wonderful Things a Boutique Owner Sees!
Isn't it lovely? And speaking of giveaways, I'm hosting my very first!!! In the spirit of my new jewelry-making experiment, I'll be giving the winner first choice of necklaces from my soon-to-open Etsy shop! To enter, simply leave a comment on this post. In the comment include either:
  • What kind of Etsy shop you would open (or a link to your shop if you already have one), or
  • Any ideas you have for what I can name my Etsy jewelry shop
For an additional entry, you can Tweet and/or re-blog this giveaway, but be sure to leave additional comments here for each entry! A winner will be chosen at random on Saturday, October 3, at 9 AM Central time. Good luck!


Oh, and don't you just love this mural (or, rather, mural-to-be!)?

Edit 10/3: I've drawn a winner at random and announced it on today's post...thank you all for your wonderful shop ideas, links, and support for this new adventure of mine!!

Title song: Field Music, "Give it Lose it Take it"

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