Sunday, September 27, 2009

You May Be a Million Miles Away

Outfit details:
Dress: Kimchi Blue for Urban Outfitters, via The Clothes Horse
Chevron tights: Urban Outfitters
Black cardigan: Old Navy, recently remixed
Jazz shoes: Seychelles
Scarf: gift from parents

Downtown coffeeshopping

Today was a bit of a catch-up day. I had loads of bills to pay, a couple of letters to write, an apartment to tidy, and some reading and writing to get done. However, since I had spent nearly all day yesterday inside working on the Etsy shop stuff, I wanted to get outside for at least a little while. So I headed to the Loop to my favorite coffeeshop with a book, my notebook, some stationary, and a clear head. It was a lovely afternoon.


I was thrilled when I saw that Rebecca of The Clothes Horse was selling some of her wardrobe a couple of weeks ago, and promptly checked the goods. This adorable drop-waist Kimchi Blue dress immediately caught my eye, and I quickly allotted some of my PayPal funds to snatch it up. I love the adorable print, perfect length, and breezy soft fabric, and I love how it goes so well with these admittedly slapdash accessories. I was talking to my sister this evening (hi sweetie!!) about how I regularly pair brown with black, and today is a perfect example of that. But I really love the way the different colors and patterns all play off of each other. Also, I would like to pledge my undying love for these Seychelles. Seriously. Amazing.


Title song: Buddy Holly, "Dearest"

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