Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You're the Kind of Girl that Fits in with My World

Outfit details:
Orange sweater: Target, remixed last season
Olive pencil skirt: H&M
Leather belt: Target
Grannie boots: Classique, remixed
Wool swing jacket: thrifted, Gap
Penny farthing necklace: made by me!


I love this outfit. I thought of it last night as I fell asleep, and I'm so glad it came together the way I had envisioned it. Perfect fall colors, cozy fabrics, fun accents with the belt, boots and necklace; all in all, I felt very Autumn chic. It's a shame that I didn't get my pictures until after work, 'cause the skirt definitely wasn't that wrinkled when I put it on this morning. And since you all have been clamoring for more close-ups of my necklaces, I made Joe take a proper photo of this one:
I love penny-farthing bicycles. There is something perfectly old-timey and nostalgic about them, yet they still seem hip and fresh, in a weird kind of way. This one just might be my favorite so far! What do you guys think? If you like it, be sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win it for yourself!!


So my plan to have an early night last night went swimmingly. I was tucked in by 8:30 and enjoyed a delightful 9 1/2 hours of sleep, a luxury I haven't enjoyed in awhile. So I felt happily fulfilled all day, which was good since I had another very busy day at the office. Joe and I spent this evening taking a lovely walk through the neighborhood, having Mediterranean food for dinner, and brewing beer at home. We starting the brewing experiment a few weeks back, and tonight we had to bottle it. In two more weeks, we'll be ready to crack one open and have a sip! I'm so excited!! Are there any other fellow brewers out there??


Title song: Pink Floyd, "Bike"

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