Friday, September 18, 2009

Shoot the Moon Right Between the Eyes

Outfit details:
Plaid shirt: Marshall Fields
Jeans: Gap, 1969 "Always Skinny"
Oxfords: Trotters, via ShoeTrader
Ring: gift
Wood earrings: craft market

Clean-up day at work

Today was clean-up day at work. This meant a major overhaul of the organization of the office, plus crazy shredding of documents, sweeping, unearthing holiday decorations, and tons of other none-too-exciting tasks. It was actually also a really good informal bonding experience with some of my other coworkers. Plus, check out the awesome clock that I rescued from the "donate" pile!! It is now proudly displayed on our bookshelf. Yay!


The clean-up day also meant I was allowed to wear jeans to work, which was a big win in my book. I just don't feel like myself without my denim, so I was pretty happy to get to throw on my plaid shirt and darkwash skinnies this morning. Plus, I loved the opportunity to break out my new leather oxfords, which I got way on sale just before ShoeTrader closed its doors. I'm still breaking them in, but I adore their woven texture in the toe area and their distinct old-man vibe.


Title song: John Prine, "Clocks and Spoons"

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