Friday, September 4, 2009

Who's the Girl Wearing My Dress

Outfit details:
Gray jersey dress: Pink Rose via Nordstrom Rack, remixed
Scarf: Mexican sarong, remixed
Belt: thrifted, remixed
Ankle boots: Bakers, recently remixed

Work, Kalamazoo!!!

So this is going to be a pretty quick post. We got into Kalamazoo this evening, leaving Chicago right after I finished work. We (surprisingly!) beat most of the traffic and had a nice evening drive. After checking into the hotel, we headed downtown to watch some live bluegrass awesomeness at Bell's Brewery's Eccentric Cafe, which was way sweet (and delicious!!). I forgot my camera at the hotel when we went to Bell's, so I had to go with the hotel photos we took when we got back. You should probably expect more posts about beer this weekend, since we're planning on doing some brewery-going during the course of our vacation.

I really love this dress. It's another one of those incredible comfortable yet still stylish pieces, and I really like that it's just nice enough for work. I combined black and brown accessories to go with the neutral dress, which I think ended up looking very interesting and fun. What do you all think??


Title song: Regina Spektor, "Hotel Song"

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