Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Trampoline Under His Arm

Outfit details (above - "day"):
Ruffle-front blouse: Forever 21
Slacks: The Limited, via TJ Maxx
Pumps: Indigo by Clark's, remixed
Flats: Target, remixed
Necklace: Etsy


Outfit details (above - "night"):
Ruffle-front blouse: Forever 21
Skinny jeans: 1969 for Gap "Always Skinny"
Flats: Target, remixed
Necklace: Etsy

Out for dinner and drinks with Joe and a college roomie

One of my dearest friends is in town this week, so I've been super busy with work, hanging out, catching up, getting back into a routine after vacation, and getting ready for my mom's visit this weekend. It's been (and still will be) an absolutely packed couple of weeks, but I love visitors, and it's wonderful seeing loved ones you haven't seen in a while. So posting might be a little on the slow and brief side while all my visitors are here, but I'll still try to keep it regular. Ish. Family comes first.


Title song: Arctic Monkeys, "Pretty Visitors"

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