Monday, September 28, 2009

I Am the Boy Your Mother Wanted You to Meet

Outfit details:
Lime green blouse: Old Navy, $3!
High-waist sailor pants: Kenneth Cole Reaction, remixed
Wedges: Old Navy, $4!
Wool swing jacket: Gap, thrifted
Birdcage necklace: made by me!

Work, grocery shopping, home for red lentil soup

I'm a big fan of these pants. I love their high waist, the navy-inspired buttons, the super dark almost metallic wash, and the way the wide legs engulf any shoes. I'll have to officially premiere these awesome wedge sandals another time. Old Navy was having a 50%-off sale this weekend, so I snagged a few key work wardrobe staples. I was eying this blouse back when it was closer to $30, so I'm pretty psyched that I waited it out until it went down to $3. Score. Oh, and I'm wearing a wool coat because it's freezing in Chicago.


This birdcage necklace is another of my homemade pieces. I didn't get a great picture of it with this outfit, but this should give you an idea of how it looks.
I got loads of comments and compliments on it today, which was really flattering, and got me even more pumped for the big Etsy opening. I'll have just over a dozen necklaces to start with, which I feel is a pretty manageable number. Oh, and if you haven't yet, please enter the giveaway! The winner gets first pick of necklaces after the shop opens on Saturday, October 3! Tell your friends (via Twitter or re-blogging) and get another (2!) chance(s!) to win!


Title song: Deer Tick, "Ashamed"

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