Monday, September 7, 2009

Golden Arms Start to Remind Me

Outfit details:
Lavender dress: TJ Maxx, remixed
Brown tank: H&M
Balloon-sleeve cardigan: Forever 21, remixed
Lace-up boots: ShoeTrader
Leather purse: Goodwill, thrifted

Grand Rapids, Founders Brewery

So I'll be doing a more extensive re-cap of our trip a little later, but for now I just want to update. We have been having so. much. fun. It's been more than a little delightful to spend full days together, since we haven't had a day off together for months. We've been rocking the Michigan breweries, and trying some really great beers, with some really awesome names. "Hand of Doom", anyone? How about "Spice Rack Attack"? FYI - both are delicious. These pictures were taken just outside of Founders Brewing Company in Grand Rapids, MI.


For our second day of Michigan brewery exploration, I wore this dress, which is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I loved it the last time I wore it, and I love it with this cardigan and these new, fantastic, boots. I bought these in my latest ShoeTrader shopping binge. Hard to say no to 50%-off sales. I've been really wanting some Victorian-inspired "grandma" boots, and these babies fit the bill perfectly. Plus, they're leather, and surprisingly comfortable. I'm so okay with this.


Title song: Sufjan Stevens, "Say Yes! to M!ch!gan!"

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