Thursday, August 6, 2009

Airing HER Dirty Laundry: The Bridge

Today is a bit of a special post. I have decided to start running a few features on Between Laundry Days of other bloggers who have inspired me or particularly caught my attention. Today I have the distinct pleasure of introducing you (for those who don't already know and love her!) to Anya of The Bridge!! Anya has been one of my favorite bloggers for quite awhile. She KNOWS style, and has that distinct ability to pick out clothes and styles that will look incredible on her. Oh, and I so want to steal her shoe collection!! I asked her a few questions, so read away! And be sure to visit her awesome, daily-updated blog, The Bridge, for more incredibly fab fashion!
1. Tell us about yourself!
Hello, my name is Anna (I actually go by Anya). I am originally from Ukraine, but I moved here with my family when I was 12, I still visit there once or twice every year. Currently I am a political science major at the University of Vermont. Where I live (Vermont) there is not much of a fashion scene, people definitely dress more for comfort and utility than anything else. My day job is pretty unglamorous, I work as a student coop for the immigration, nevertheless I like it because I learn a lot from it:)

2. Who's your biggest "real life" fashion inspiration?
My whole family is pretty fashionable, but I'd have to say that my mom is my real life icon. She can put together a great outfit in minutes, virtually no planning involved!
3. The perfect summer day includes:
The sun! We don't get a lot of it here in Vermont. Also my boyfriend, friends and water :)

4. Do you have any great fashion-related guilty pleasure/faux pas stories to share?
Oh yes...I've always loved "trying out" trends, they're a constant challenge that I take on. I remember in high school I went through a phase when I wore a lot of tees with things written on them, and one day I thought it would be ok to wear a tee that said "One martini, two martini, three martini, floor" and one of my teachers didn't find it amusing, so she made me turn it inside out)
5. What do you want to be when you grow up (real or imaginary)?
I love so many things that this has always been a pretty tough question. I love fashion and I also love international politics, so I was thinking that I could be part time diplomat and part time fashion editor. I'm guessing this would qualify as imaginary...)

6. What is the last book you read?
"Reading Lolita in Tehran", this was a very powerful book.
7. If you had six months with no obligations or financial constraints, what would you do with the time?
I would take my blog global, I would travel everywhere and shop at cool local thrift shops, and then share it with my readers)

What is the one, single food that you would never give up?
Potatoes! I love them boiled, fried, name it.
9. Yes or no to each: Black with brown? Yes
White after labor day? Yes
Socks with sandals? Yes
Fanny packs? No
Mullets? No

10. What inspired you to start blogging? How did you come up with "The Bridge" as your title? What's your favorite thing about fashion blogging?
Really what inspired me initially was the fact that I am a
vegetarian and I love clothes. I gave up wearing leather about a year ago and started looking for things online that were non-leather. This made me think about how many other people could be in the same boat as me, so I wanted to share and perhaps help people find vegetarian friendly options. The title of my blog "The Bridge" came up because it symbolizes a connection. I wanted to show that someone with a different philosophy can still be a part of mainstream fashion, and compliment it instead of going against it. What I love most about fashion blogging is the flow of ideas, their exchange and all the amazing people that I "meet", bloggers and readers, it is great being a part of this inspiring community.
Thanks, Anya, for agreeing to do this with me! Keep on' keepin' on!!

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