Friday, August 7, 2009

Dress for Business Every Day

Outfit details:
White/black striped shirt: Old Navy, remixed
Jeans: Old Navy, recently remixed
Sandals: Delicious, via, remixed
Necklace: Leaf pendant, gift from friends in Bolivia; homemade ring, gift from best friend

Work, office picnic

Today was the annual picnic for my new office, so we were allowed to wear jeans and "casual" clothes. I tried to keep it kind of professional, since I'm still so new, but I think I came up with a pretty good ensemble. I actually wore my orange Clarks while I was at work, but changed to these shoes after the picnic. It was really nice to have a more social day with my new coworkers during my first week. We ate some deliciously catered food and played a decidedly rousing game of Family Feud, and I happily mingled and met some more of my pretty amazing coworkers.

The picnic was actually held inside because of the ridiculous amounts of rain we've been getting today. It started mid-morning and shows no signs of stopping. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, and then the August heat has scheduled its arrival, which I'm actually pretty psyched about. Have a great weekend, everyone!!


Title song: Belle & Sebastian, "Step into my Office, Baby"

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