Monday, August 3, 2009

Sitting in Your Easy Chair

Outfit details:
Navy/white striped minidress: shop in Lakeview, remixed
Darkwash jeans: Target, remixed
Tan jacket: Forever 21, remixed
Platform sandals: Unionbay, via Kohl's, recently remixed


I felt awesome in this outfit today! This was a kind of last minute one (I've had a lot of those lately), but it incorporates a lot of my favorite - and most comfortable! - pieces in ways that I haven't worn in this way before. The jeans and jacket were mostly necessitated by the weather. The weather here in Chi-town has been extremely weird lately. By "extremely weird" (don't forget the italics!), I mean COLD. We've been sleeping under our winter comforter for the past few nights. I regularly complained about how cold it was in July, and everyone was telling me: "oh, just wait. August is the hottest month in Chicago." Well? WELL??!? So far, August is the coldest summer month this year. Suck it, Al Gore.*


Additionally, I have been given the Kreativ Blogger Award by the breathtakingly fashionable Katy at Kansas Couture!!! I am SO flattered to get this award, and from someone I admire so much. Part of the deal with this award is to share 7 things about yourself with your readers. Now, I've already done a couple of these "random things" tags, so I thought I'd do this one a bit differently. The thing I get the most comments and emails about, by far, is my hair. So I'm going to do this Kreativ Blogger tag thing with 7 things you may not know about Clare's hair...

1. By the time I was 2, my hair was so long I could sit on it.
2. I have never dyed my hair. I used henna once in junior high, but nothing more permanent than that.
3. I had long hair until I graduated from college. I was going away for graduate school and knew I wanted some major external change to mirror the changes I knew were happening in my life, so I lopped it all off and never turned back. I let it grow out through the winters (it's too brutal in Chicago to have short hair!), but go back to the pixie in the summer.
4. At some point during both of the past two relationships I've been in, I have had the same haircut as my boyfriend.
5. It took me years to love my hair, but now I totally embrace it's crazy curly thickness.
6. Those little curls you always see around my ears? Totally natural. They just happen.
7. The hair salon that I go to here in Chicago, Twisted Scissors, is maybe my favorite place in the city. In addition to the best haircuts I've ever had, I am immediately greeted by a cold on-the-house PBR when I walk in the door.


*Okay, I really don't want Al Gore to suck it. I'm actually pretty passionate about the whole global warming issue. Ride your bike. Unplug your electronics. Turn off the lights. Only use the heat/AC when really necessary. Walk everywhere. Find out about your city's public transportation system. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store. Recycle. Reduce. Reuse. And all that jazz.


Title song: Math and Physics Club, "Cold as Minnesota"

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