Wednesday, August 5, 2009

House of Business on Display

Outfit details:
Black shirt: Old Navy, remixed
Seersucker skirt: H&M
Black flats: Target, recently remixed

First day at the new job!!!

So I basically had a whopping 16 hours to recuperate from the old job and prepare for the new one. Today was a whirlwind of information, introductions, and policies, but everyone was incredibly nice and welcoming. They even had a "Welcome, Clare!" breakfast this morning with organic muffins, delicious coffee, and tangerine juice. It was so sweet. I am completely overwhelmed, though, because of my lack of preparation time. I desperately need a weekend, so I'm really glad that I only have 3 days of "new job" work this week. And Friday afternoon is the yearly office picnic (which I've volunteered to help setup, being a total brown-noser my first week), so it should be a pretty easy introduction.

Today's outfit was intentionally conservative in both color and style, to accommodate first-day jitters. I felt comfortable, chic, and professional, and happily felt neither under- or over-dressed compared to other people in the office. My old camera is totally DEAD, and Joe doesn't have a camera, so this picture was actually taken with my phone (a new LG EnV3, which I love), which I think is pretty impressive. You all seemed to have a pretty solid consensus that Canons are the way to go, which was my suspicion to begin with, so a brand spankin' new Powershot is in the mail, along with a Gorilla pod, which I'm way psyched about. I'll try not to drop this one... :(

Title song: Outkast, "So Fresh, So Clean"

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