Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Girl Was in Bloom

Outfit details:
Dress: Forever 21
Black sports bra: Hanes
Sandals: Seychelles

Coffeeshop, beach

I realized today, upon waking up, that I actually have free time during the weekends. Up until I started this new job, I was spending all my spare time thinking about finding one, and either applying to things or feeling guilty that I wasn't applying to things. Now I can rest easy. I have weekends again. Real time to myself, to do whatever I want to do. It feels weird. I don't know if I've ever really had that before.


So I spent my long-labored-for free Saturday just how I wanted to spend it. I slept in and then spent the late morning and early afternoon at a nearby coffeeshop owned and operated by an adorable middle-age French couple (and staffed entirely by French speaking baristas) reading a new book and taking in the Saturday crowds. It was lovely. Joe and I spent the afternoon at the beach soaking in the sun and playing in the waves, and then came home for the farmer's market salad to beat all other salads.


I bought this dress when my sister was in town in July. I loved the color and pattern and the way that it fit me, so I snatched it up (Forever 21 is dangerous that way!). It felt a bit low-cut this morning when I put it on, so I layered a simple black sports bra underneath (which has conveniently aligned ruching in the same spot as the dress) for the sake of modesty. I felt delightfully flirty, cute, summery, and just un petit francais.


Title song: Joni Mitchell, "In France they Kiss on Main Street"

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