Monday, August 17, 2009

I Really See You Upside Down

Outfit details:
Ruffle shirt: Banana Republic, thrifted at Goodwill
Brown jersey skirt: Copper Key, remixed
Bronze pumps: Indigo by Clarks, via
Plaid sash belt: from Forever 21 tunic


Okay, can I just say how hot it is today??!? It's so muggy, and the whole day has been gloomy and ominous. It was not a good way to start the week. Mondays are hard enough as it is, but with super-dark skies and violent showers, not to mention physical therapy at sun-up, it was a pretty rough day to get through. But it's over now, and bedtime is just within reach.


I have apparently been leaning pretty heavily into neutral territory lately (and not in that good, non-violent Switzerland kind of way). I like these outfits, but I feel like I've been relying too much on outfits that are way in my comfort zone, color-wise. I did go out of my comfort zone with textures though. I wouldn't normally have thought to pair a more structured button-down blouse with a flowy jersey skirt, but I really like the outcome, and I'm a huge fan of the obi-inspired plaid sash, which I think kind of pulls the outfit together. Oh, and my new, 50% off Clarks?? Yes and yes!!!


Title song: Death Cab for Cutie, "A Lack of Color" (one of my old standbys)

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