Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Saw Them Stars Go Off

Outfit details:
Yellow silk blouse: Ann Klein, with suit, remixed
Gray skinny jeans: Old Navy, remixed
Black flats: Target


Today was my last day at the old job!!! On my way out of the office today, the two interns who I've been supervising this summer told me that I was "a great boss" and that they "really lucked out" with me. I was so flattered, and it really let me end this chapter of my life on a good note. I start the new one tomorrow, though, so I'm trying to take full advantage of my 16 whole hours between jobs. Yikes. I'm definitely anxious for the new stuff to start tomorrow, but in a good way. I'm just so ready to be doing something different.

On a much, much sadder note, moments after I took the above photo my camera froze. Lens out, totally stuck, with the message "LENS ERROR" on the screen. No, really? I managed to upload the photos I had taken, but I don't know if it can be salvaged. I'm going to try to get Joe to fix it, but I might be using my phone for posts for a few days if I have to wait for a new camera to get delivered. I'm mega-bummed about this sad development, but I'll live. I definitely don't have the Benjamins to get a fancy DSLR, though I'm dying for one, so it'll have to be another point-and-shoot compact. Any tips on what you lovely ladies use? Any advice is welcome!!

Title song: Spoon, "I Turn My Camera On"

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