Saturday, October 31, 2009

Come and Learn to Dance

Outfit details:
Red/orange shirt: thrifted, originally American Eagle, remixed
Olive motorcycle skinnies: Gap, shortened and remixed
Jazz shoes: Seychelles, via TJ Maxx, remixed
Circle scarf: knitted by me!

Home for job applications and cleaning, out for a Halloween's Eve walk with Joe

So I totally knitted this scarf. I've been admiring everyone's circle scarves lately. I love the whole idea of a circle scarf, and I've been wanting to augment my winter scarf arsenal. I've had this gorgeous brown alpaca wool yarn for ages, since a trip to South America I took years ago, and I've just never used it, for whatever reason. But I thought this scarf would be the perfect use for it. I love how it turned out; just the right length and width to wrap around and keep my little neck warm in these upcoming winter months. Even better, when it's unwrapped it makes a cute little brown wool cowl-neck flourish.


Keep your eyes out for a pretty sweet giveaway coming soon!!

Title song: Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, "Wooly Bully"

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