Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Sunburned Hands I Used to Hold

Outfit details:
Dress, worn as skirt: Forever 21, remixed as dress
Black cowl-neck sweater: Old Navy
Tights: Hue
Boots: Steven by Steve Madden, recently remixed
Glasses: Fysh

Cleaning up at home, Michael's and Target, lovely afternoon Autumn stroll with Joe, job applications

So first and foremost I want to thank you all for bearing with me this past week. I know I've been very scarce lately, but I think I deserved it. I've spent a lot of time thinking about new opportunities for my future and new paths I can go down and jobs I can apply to. It's not easy to start all over again, and I've definitely had moments of frustration, bitterness, and resistance to the whole idea, but Joe has been there every step of the way with a hug, kind word, cold beer, and slice of chocolate cake. What a guy!


It's definitely brisk here; fall has arrived, and I couldn't be happier. Fall is by far my favorite season in Chicago (and maybe anywhere else). It's the most colorful season, and the one that involves apple cider, sunny days, perfectly brisk mornings, pumpkins and squashes of all shapes, sizes, and colors, wonderful smells, Trick-or-Treaters, and delightful seasonal beers. It's also the only season where wearing tights is a fun new novelty, not a months-old chore. Welcome, Autumn, dear friend!


Autumn is also the season for remixing summer dresses into more seasonally-appropriate ensembles. I loved this adorable Forever 21 dress when I bought it with my sister this summer, but I also wasn't sure if I'd get to wear it much right away since it's very summery. But as I scoured my closet this morning for a blog-worthy outfit (my pajamas are. not. blog-worthy. Trust me.), I found this dress. Inspired by this week's Weardrobe contest, I decided to Autumn-ize it. I've been wearing these boots like they're going out of style, but that won't stop me from wearing them again! I love 'em!!


Title song: Frank Sinatra, "Autumn Leaves"

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