Thursday, October 8, 2009

Swears He's Honest as the Sun

Outfit details:
Dress: Target
Belt: Target
Boots: DSW, remixed last season
Wool swing jacket: Gap, thrifted

Home for jewelry-making, 30 Rock, and snacks

Today was kind of a day off for Joe and I. It has literally been months since we had time off together, so I have decided to look on the bright side with this whole unemployment thing and enjoy my time with him. So we sat at the kitchen table for most of the day, making jewelry, drinking coffee, eating orange rolls and chips & salsa, and watching season 3 of 30 Rock on Netflix. Alec Baldwin is officially my celebrity crush.


Speaking of Joe, he picked out this dress for me when we were at Target yesterday buying a new bathmat (I know, I know, the thrilling life of the unemployed). He would just not shut up about the colors and pattern and fabric, so I tried it on and loved it. It's not that I don't take his opinion seriously, but sometimes I doubt it until I see it for myself. What about you guys? Does your significant other have a say in your wardrobe choices? Do you trust their opinion no matter what or take it with a grain of salt?


I love the Western vibe of this outfit. The dress reminds me of my Rocky Mountain roots, and with the boots and belt I feel positively cowgirl. These boots are one of those wardrobe staples that have more than proved their purchase price. I couldn't possibly calculate the "price-per-wear" of these babies, that's how often I bust them out once the weather takes a turn. I also really love this leather/canvas belt from Target, especially the way the canvas part subtly stretches as I gorge myself on pastries, chips, delicious salsa, and pumpkin beer.


Title song: Roy Rogers, "Why, Oh Why, Did I Ever Leave Wyoming?"

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