Monday, October 12, 2009

You Keep Samin' When You Oughta Be Changin'

Outfit details:
Forest green tee: Old Navy
Mustard cardi: Urban Outfitters
Blazer: Ann Klein, part of this suit
Skinnies: C&A in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Boots: Rockport Ainly

Job applications at home, post office, job applications at coffeeshop, proctoring language placement exams for hilariously nervous college freshmen

So I probably love these boots more than what would be considered healthy. I have been searching for them for years. I'm surprisingly picky about my boots, and was super specific about the color/style/height/width/material that I wanted for these boots. I found these babies on before they closed their doors for a ridiculous bargain. I bought them in July, though, so they've been spending some quality time in our closet until today, when I finally deemed it appropriate to debut them to the world. They are the most perfect boots ever, and helped me push away some of my post-layoff blues today. But I'm up to my eyes in job applications today, so I'm going to take the rest of the evening to eat some leftover pumpkin chili, listen to Simon and Garfunkel, and snuggle with Joe.


Title song: Nancy Sinatra, "These Boots Were Made For Walking" (come on, what did you expect?)

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