Saturday, October 3, 2009

Etsy Giveaway Winner!

First I want to thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and encouragement during the past few weeks. It is truly what made me push forward and get my Etsy shop off the ground.

Speaking of Etsy shops, I have chosen a name. I love all your comments and ideas, and I love that so many of you wanted me to stick with Between Laundry Days. It was a very close race (that went on in my head), but I finally decided to go with Objects Found. It encompasses the way I feel about my jewelry, a play-on-words on found object art, and as much as I want it to be connected to the blog, it is truly a different adventure for me and I wanted to let it have its moment.

Banner2 without any further ado, the winner is....

HUzzah! Vintage

Congratulations, my dear! I love your blog, I adore your Etsy shop, and I'm excited to send you your first choice in Objects Found necklaces! Get in touch with me ASAP, my dear, and we'll work out the details!

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