Monday, October 5, 2009

You Have to Sleep Late When You Can

Vanilla Bean

Hey everyone! I just wanted to check in quickly even though I still don't have an outfit post. Things have been more than a little crazy over here in Between Laundry Days Headquarters. I was actually laid off from my job on Friday. It was a union layoff, something that nobody had any control over, and there's really no one to blame. The upside is that my (former) bosses are now itching to go to bat for me to help find another job. They've been truly amazing through all of this. I'll be job hunting again, starting immediately, so keep me in your thoughts! On top of that we recently had a death in the family, so my mom's in town this weekend so that we can support the fam and go to all the funeral stuff. Anyway, that should explain some of my absence of late. I'll be back to regular posting and commenting tomorrow...maybe you'll start getting multiple posts per day, since I have so much free time now! :)

Title song: Flaming Lips, "Bad Days"

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