Friday, October 16, 2009

Have You Seen that Moon-Faced Kid

Outfit details:
White v-neck tee: Old Navy
Olive motorcycle jeans: Gap, shortened and remixed
Maroon zip-up cardigan: Derek Heart, gift, remixed
Sneakers: Converse All-Stars, remixed
Bracelet: gift from Joe's mom, remixed

Museum of Science and Industry, pizza lunch, meeting, home to make apple pie!

Today was a good day. Joe and I spent the morning at the Museum of Science and Industry playing with their new exhibit. Then I got a call about doing some temp work at an office near my old work. So as of November 2, I'll be temping for awhile. Hopefully it will last at least until I find something more permanent. The office I'll be working in is really interesting, and all the people are great, so I'm really excited about being able to work there during this interim period.

Today's outfit was all about casual comfort. I knew I'd be on my feet for hours at the museum, and it's been rainy and freezing in Chicago, so I went for these ankle-length motorcycle pants, Chuck Taylors, and a simple white tee. Comfy, cozy, and just right for eating tons of homemade apple pie!


Title song: Beulah, "You're Only King Once"

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