Saturday, October 17, 2009

Itchy Trigger Finger but a Stable Turntable

Outfit details:
White/oatmeal striped tee: Sears, recently remixed
Jean skirt: Old Navy, remixed
Brown tights: ??, recently remixed
Thigh-high socks: Target
Boots: Kmart, recently remixed
Scarf: Mexican sarong, recently remixed

Breakfast with Jennine and Rocky, and then thrifting with Jennine

Okay, I know this is a pattern-mixing nightmare, but I kind of liked it for some reason. I was comfy, warm with my scarf and layers, and just honestly didn't care whether it looked pulled-together or not. I had a great morning, meeting up with the fabulous Jennine (of The Coveted and IFB fame) and her lovely husband Rocky for breakfast at Yolk (for those of you who are in Chicago, I would highly recommend it!). Then Jennine and I ditched the menfolk and headed to a nearby thrift store, at which we both. hit. gold. We each literally had a cart overflowing with awesome new sweaters, skirts, cardigans, and purses by the time we finally made it to the checkout. I can't wait to debut some of the amazing stuff I found (vintage Wilson's leather miniskirt, anyone??). Seriously. One of my favorites, though, is this crazy oversized cardigan. This thing is mad itchy, but unbelievably warm, so I rocked it around the apartment all afternoon with my sweet gray leggings. I'll never be cold again.


Title song: Beastie Boys, "No Sleep Till Brooklyn"

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