Monday, October 19, 2009

Do Anything That You Wanna Do

Outfit details:
Olive shirt: gift from my parents, from a shop in Venice, remixed
Black suede skirt: vintage Ivy Club Classics, recently thrifted
Black footless tights: Target
Black ankle boots: Payless, remixed
Maroon belt: thrifted
Sunglasses: Target, remixed

Coffee and breakfast at home with Joe, then for a lovely afternoon walk and a few errands (involving a trip to the post office, where a homeless guy serenaded the 20-person line with a recorder solo)

I've been really focused on the uber-casual outfits lately, which is okay, but I've felt kind of half-assed for a little while now. So I decided that today I would kick it up a notch, and put some effort into looking a little more put-together. There's that saying, "don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want". Well, without a job to dress for at all, I've adopted the opinion of, "don't dress for the mood you're in, dress for the mood you want to be in". I'm a firm believer in this, and I was in a great mood all day because I felt classy, sexy, and beautiful. Yay me!


I've already mentioned some of the thrifting luck I had with Jennine this weekend, but I have to mention it again! I'm so blown away by this skirt. Perfect condition, perfect length, perfectly awesome, $3.49. I know! I wasn't sure I'd be a leather/suede skirt person until I found these gems (don't worry, I'll debut the other ones soon!). I decided to go with an autumnal color palette for this outfit, to match the perfectly sunny fall day that we were graced with today. It has seriously been so awful out recently that I forgot how glorious fall can be here. Today was delightful, and I was so happy to spend it enjoying a long walk with Joe, soaking up the warm sun and admiring the fall colors.


Title song: Elvis Presley, "Blue Suede Shoes"

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