Wednesday, July 8, 2009

But You Never Get Your Lips Wet

Outfit details:
Navy silk blouse: Old Navy, remixed
Tan corduroys: Old Navy, remixed
Blue peep-toe slingbacks: TJ Maxx
Rose flower hairpin: Claire's
Red rose earrings: Etsy, remixed


Je sens un peu Français aujourd'hui. I'm not sure what it is, but I felt like I was channeling Audrey Tautou all day. I know I'm not nearly as elfin and adorable as the incomparable Amelie, but I was totally feeling cute, curious, and clever, a la my fave Frenchie. Maybe it's the haircut (I'm thinking about bringing this picture to my stylist next week when I go in to get a trim). In any case, I was feeling it.

Everyone that I talked to today at work was busy making eye contact with my giant flower accessory instead of my eyes. I was a little self-conscious for a moment, but I love the way this one accessory totally punches up an otherwise monotonous ensemble. I've been lookin for a piece like this for quite awhile, and finally went to check out the Claire's store downtown. I don't think I'd been in one since high school, but I immediately found exactly what I was looking for. Do you guys have any guilty store stories?

Finally we come to the shoes! Joe actually picked these out for me months ago. I've been wearing them on special occasions and dates (like for Valentine's Day, for example), but for some reason they never made it into my work wardrobe. They're not the most comfortable, but they're actually just right for work, and I think they pulled the outfit together nicely. The upper is canvas, which makes them unique and casual chic.

Title song: Peter Sarstedt, "Where Do You Go to My Lovely"

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