Thursday, July 16, 2009

Your Pretty Little Hair

Outfit details:
Dress: Soprano, via Nordstrom Rack
Sandals: Steve Madden Sarrahh, remixed
Beaded necklace: market in Brazil, remixed
Ring: gift from BFF

Work, hospital

I don't know if you can tell from these photos, but my arm is sporting a new splint! It's just a half-splint now, since the doctors took out the pins today!! I'm going to be going to physical therapy twice a week for awhile, and it'll take months before I have full use of my wrist again. It'll be a long slow road to recovery, but at least it is recovering. Plus, no one can call me Frankenstein's monster anymore. :)

I love this dress, by the way! It's new-ish, and as yet unworn, and I'm so loving the fabric and swinginess of the skirt. And coral is apparently the big new color this season, and I'm loving that it seems to go so well with my complexion and personal style.

I decided to accent the dress with brown wood and leather accessories, and I really like the way everything came together. These Steve Madden sandals are some of my favorites, but they were buried in my closet for months and I almost forgot about them (I guess that's a sign that I have too many shoes...). I'm glad I remembered them as I was putting together my outfit this morning. My best friend (the Milwaukee one) gave me this ring. It's so majorly huge and in the way, but I just love it! I love the gold spiral detail, and the fact that it is carved from one piece of wood.

p.s. What do you think of the new haircut?

Title song: Muddy Waters, "I'm Ready"

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