Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just to Find Her

Outfit details:
Black tank: Old Navy, remixed
Gray vest: Urban Outfitters, remixed
Skinny jeans: Shop in Buenos Aires, Argentina, remixed
Black wedges: Lela Rose for Payless, remixed

Physical therapy, work

Thank you all for your kind comments recently. It has been such fun to read them and hear what you think! Keep 'em comin'! Also, I was super-excited last night to see that I was featured on the front page of Weardrobe and then today on the unfailingly awesome Daddy Likey's Blogback Mountain post! I'm so happy to be a part of this beautiful wonderful (not to mention painfully fashionable!) blogging community.

Today's outfit was one of those "I-have-no-idea-what-to-wear-so-I'll-just-randomly-start-pulling-things-out-of-my-closet-
until-I'm-late-for-physical-therapy-and-have-to-settle-for-whatever-is-on-the-top-of-the-pile" days. I actually really like it, because it's so comfy and includes a few of my favorite staple items. I thought the heels really jazzed things up, and I love the vest-over-tank look right now.

Title song: The Monkees: "(I'd Go the) Whole Wide World" (bonus points for who can name the Will Ferrell movie in which he sings this song while playing the acoustic guitar - one of my faves!)

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