Outfit details:
Black knit top: Old Navy
Jeans: Old Navy, "The Diva" skinnies, remixed
Scarf: Market in Chile
Work, airport
I have been seriously struggling with the what to wear question lately. I fall asleep thinking about it, and come up with nothing. In the morning it's even harder because I'm tired and rushed. So I've been showing up to work lately in less-than-inspired outfits that I feel less-than-confident in. I need a fashion boost!!! Seriously. I'm writing this post now to avoid thinking about what I have to wear today (which will, of course, give me less time in the end). Blerg. Do you have any tips? I've done all the w_r and blogroll searches to find inspiration, but I seem to have a mental block. Maybe a long hot bath would help. Wish me luck!
I picked up my little sister from the airport on Tuesday. She's amazing: smart, funny, adorable, fashionable, kind, and seriously gorgeous. I'm so excited to have her here visiting for the holiday weekend. And if she'll let me, I want to do a feature on her this week, so stay tuned!
Title song: Michael Jackson, "Lady in my Life"
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