Monday, July 20, 2009

Swimmin' in a Fishbowl

Outfit details:
Maroon dress: Old Navy, remixed
Scarf, worn as belt: TJ Maxx, remixed
Orange/silver earrings: student art fair, gift from college roomie, remixed
Huarache-inspired strappy platform sandals: Unionbay, via Kohls, NEW!!

Physical therapy, work, typing test

I adore this dress. It is so versatile and simple, and it just feels like it can be paired with anything (and pretty much has!). I used this great scarf that I got for a steal at TJ Maxx to turn it into an empire-waist dress. I've found that this silhouette is really flattering on me, as it allows my waistlessness to be disguised by the super-high waist. It makes it unclear where my torso ends and my legs begin, and creates a long, lean line throughout. I thought about being more creative with the tying of the scarf, but my right hand just isnt' that nimble yet, so a simple square knot is what I was stuck with. Honestly, I kind of like the ends of the scarf just hanging down; they form an interesting color and pattern contrast with the simple solid dress.

Now onto the shoes!!! I had to trek out to a Best Buy this weekend to buy some stuff for work, and the nearest BB was an hour and a half bus ride away, so I decided to make a day of it. There was a Kohl's in the same shopping center, so I popped in. (The trouble with living right in the middle of a big city is that the big box stores with great bargains are way out in the suburbs.) I found these strappy sandals there for only $17, marked down from $49.99! It's not that much to begin with, I know, but seriously. $17. I was more than okay with it.

Now, this is about to turn into a very long post, but I was just tagged by the ridiculously fashionable Krystal at This Time Tomorrow to list off 10 things that you may or may not know about me. I know that I did the 10 Random Things meme a while back, but I secretly love these tagging things (maybe that should be on the list!), so I'm going to go for it.

1. Even with a gimpy messed-up hand, I can type 70 words per minute.
2. My favorite moment in everyday is when I curl up in bed. Preferably next to a certain someone. :)
3. My favorite kitchen appliance is my teapot.
4. I subscribe to National Geographic, Harper's, and National Literature Review but rarely take the time to read each issue every month.
5. I could eat sushi like most people could drink water.
6. I don't drink enough water.
7. I love starting new things. This includes, but is not limited to, new tubes of toothpaste, new projects, new TV shows, new clothes, new pens, new foods.
8. I'm not always so keen on finishing things.
9. I want to name my first cat Beaker, after the Muppet as well as a particularly eyebrow-y TA I had in college.
10. I love crossword puzzles, but only easy ones, so I can feel real smart.

Okay, I'm going to tag a few lovely bloggers that I just discovered and would love to learn more about, but I would love to read anyone's list, so please, go to it!!
my edit
Fashion Bananas
Style My Story
the alteration
Narnia's Closet

Title song: Pink Floyd, "Wish You Were Here"

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