Sunday, July 26, 2009

If You Knew My Story Word for Word

Outfit details:
Maxi dress: Old Navy
Layering tank: ??, sooo old
Sandals: Steve Madden Sarrahh, recently remixed
Beaded leather bracelets: gifted, remixed
Big-ass ring: gifted, recently remixed
Ray-Ban wannabes: Target, remixed
Bag of peaches, arugula, and blueberries: Farmers' Market

Farmers' Market, work, home for delicious dinner

Maxi dress time!!!! I loved this outfit. Absolutely loved it. I felt so Farmers' Market-y, flowy and fresh and like a cute little pixie hippie. I admit that I was slow to get on the maxi dress train, but now that I am it's all steam ahead. Joe particularly liked the little knotted-up bit at the bottom, which was done mostly out of necessity since the dress is far too long. But I actually really like this little asymmetrical twist to the dress.

I've been doing some mad accessorizing with brown (in either leather or wood) lately. I adore these bracelets that were given to me by Joe's mom, and I flippin' love the giant ring that my best friend gave me for my birthday. And for a completely flat sandal, these Steve Madden Sarrahh's (why two Rs? why two Hs?) are surprisingly comfortable and a flashy but still natural addition to any outfit. Yay Saturday!!!!

Title song: Peter Bjorn and John, "Young Folks"

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