Monday, July 27, 2009

You'll See Your Lucky Day

Outfit details:
Tank top: originally Target, altered by me (see below)
Shorts: thrifted, originally Gap jeans, altered by me (see below)
Shoes: Toms

Craft Day!

I totally rocked some craftiness on Sunday! I had been feeling more and more overwhelmed by the clutter in the apartment, and especially the lack of organization that ran rampant through my clothes, shoes, and jewelry storage. I was mad inspired by some of the organizational tricks that you lovely bloggers have shared in the past few months, especially Danielle's paper-towel rack trick. So I've been on the lookout for something like that to organize my jewelry, and I finally found a mug-tree at Ace Hardware. It was perfect for organizing and displaying my necklaces and bracelets, even the longer ones! Take a look:


The other major problem in my apartment is the storage of my shoes. I love my shoes. It's one of the few things about me that makes me "stereotypically girly", although I have some ideological issues with that idea in general. Anyway, I flippin' love shoes, and I have a lot of them. So many that they had completely filled the floor of one of our closets, leaving no room to walk, much less for Joe's shoes and stuff. So I utilized some old smallish bookshelves to my advantage and voila! Closet cleared! Check it out:


Along with my shoes came some clothing organization, too. We have TONS of closet space in our apartment, and until now the shoe closet was just for shoes, but I wanted to share that space with some of my hangable clothes. So I bought almost 3 dozen clothes hangers at Walgreens and finally hung up a bunch of my dresses, sweaters, blouses, and skirts:


Speaking of clothes, I also did some very exciting alterations to a couple old pieces. I never ever ever wore these Gap jeans or Target shirt, for whatever reason, and decided that I should do something about it and make them both a little more summer-worthy and fun. So out came the scissors and here's the result!!

(and I'm proud - or embarrassed - to say that I didn't measure or sew anything!)

Title song: Gloria Gaynor, "Do it Yourself"

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