Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sweetness Sings from Every Corner

Outfit details:
Olive tank top: Old Navy
Silver pleated skirt: Old Navy, remixed
Belt: thrifted, recently remixed
Strappy platform sandals: Unionbay, via Kohl's, remixed
Black cardi: Old Navy, recently remixed


I didn't realize this until looking at the pictures here, but I was ROCKING some neutrals yesterday. Olive, gray, black, brown, all present and accounted for. CIMG3200The only piece missing would be white, but I seem to naturally gravitate toward darker neutrals. I feel like white stands out so much that it almost counts as a color in some outfits, rather than a palette to build off of. What do you think? Is this too much neutral? Should I have added a white piece to fill out the neutral spectrum? Is white a neutral??

This skirt, as I've mentioned before, never used to get a lot of wear. It was a weird length, super clingy with tights, and I could never figure out what to pair it with. And then I discovered high-waisted summer skirts, and my worldview shifted a bit (well, maybe not my worldview, but my skirtview, certainly). I think this skirt looks stunning with a tank top tucked in and a big flashy belt or scarf keeping the whole thing together, and hot days=no tights=clingless! And I love keeping the rest of the outfit pretty simple so that the metallic sheen and lovely pleats can stand out. This tank top works particularly well because of the small pleat-like detail at the neckline, echoing some of the lines of the skirt.


Title song: Neutral Milk Hotel, "Communist Daughter"

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