Thursday, July 9, 2009

Every Little Soul Must Shine

Outfit details:
Embroidered blouse: Forever 21, remixed
Green slacks: Old Navy, remixed
Moccasins: Kmart, remixed

Work, hospital

So this was one of those outfits that I felt great in, but really wasn't okay with how the outfit actually came together in pictures. I have had this problem before with these pants. They are uber comfortable, and a great color, and they fit me perfectly. But when I see them in a mirror or a photograph, I nitpick and cringe. I feel like each of these photos has some small merit, but none capture the casual, funky attitude this outfit embodied. Do any of you have feisty items like that? Pieces that you love in person but hate on camera (or vice versa!)?

I was definitely prioritizing comfort today, however. I had a third appointment with my doctor here in Chicago (remember, I actually broke my arm while on vacation in Colorado), and I wasn't sure what to expect, so I wanted to feel cute but not worry about my style. It turns out that in one week they will be taking out the 3 pins that are currently keeping my bones in place. It totally freaks me out because apparently they don't numb the arm to pull out the pins, but at this point I hardly care. I'm just sososo excited to no longer feel like I have a Frankenstein arm. I'll still be in a splint, but with a wider range of motion and less pain, thanks to my awesome physical therapist!

I felt a little like a Christmas tree today with the colors. The embroidery on this blouse is predominately red, so I felt a little bit matchy-elfin. But it gave me some great ideas for Christmas outfits come winter! I love planning and thinking about far-off holidays, and I often dream up the perfect holiday outfit months in advance. Do any of you fantasize about awful Christmas sweaters in July? Pumpkins in February? Pastels in August?

Title song: Paul Westerberg, "Mr. Rabbit"

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